- So very grateful for being awarded a three-year working grant for artist by TAIKE, the Arts Promotion Centre in Finland! It's a big honour! Big big thanks!
- The exchange project KIRJEENVAIHTO (CORRESPONDENCE) is arranged by Inka-Maaria Jurvanen ja Kelly Moran. Participating artist from Finland are Roma Auskalnyte, Pirjetta Brander, Gunzi Holmström, Naoji Ishiyama, Inka-Maaria Jurvanen, Erkki Kannosto and Emma Peura. Participating artist from Texas are Tess Doyle, Cathie Kayser, Sharon Kopriva, Kelly Moran, Sherry Owens, Susan Plum and Chasity Porter. The exhibitions will take place in Yö Galleria, Helsinki from February 14 to 27, and in Rebud Gallery, Houston from April 5 to 26. The artists will make a portfolio and exchange works, and there will be a cataloque made.
- I am working with my fourth public art work, a commission from Helsinki City.
- Last spring I met the gallerist Deborah Duerr in Stockholm, and after talking and diskussing we agreed on collaboration. Gallery Duerr is located at Hudiksvallsgatan 6, where some other galleries are located as well. At the moment some of my works are available in the project Takeaway.
- Group show "Reliefs for Animals" in Rostrum Gallery, Malmö, Sweden October 26 to November 17, 2024. Artists:
Jesse Avdeikov, Laura Dahlberg, Gunzi Holmström, Juliana Hyrri, Kalle Mustonen and Linda Roschier. The exhibition project was an initiative by me, and happened as an exhibition exchange between the artist driven galleries Galleria Huuto and Rostrum gallery in Malmö. Thanks for the support by TAIKE and Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland. Especially for this exhibition I made a new work: "I want to burn" - a guide for birds wanting to visit the Phoenix constallation, which consisted of a sculpture and a poem.

- Solo show "The Cloud of Unknowing" in Laikku Studio in Tampere March 30 to May 5, 2024. Paintings and sculptures.
- Group show "The Careful Movers" together with Minna Haukka and Maritta Nurmi. In Longa Gallery, Helsinki February 5 to 25, 2024. The exhibition was a kind of reunion - we all studied at art school together in Turku, and had our first shows together. I exhibited some watercolour paintings and two older video works.
- Group show "Independent Artists" at Taidekeskus Antares in Finland from July 5 to August 18. Invited by Piirustusluokka and Taivaallinen akatemia. Three sculptures on display..
- Group show "Pyhä(k)kö" (Sanctuary) In Longa Gallery, Helsinki. November 13 to December 1. Invited by Lila r.y. I showed my sculpture "Three Hearts".

- Group show from October 7 to November at Vuotalo, with artists from the Artist house in Vuosaari, Helsinki. Arranged by Taiteen Vuoksi r.y. I showed the video "Archipelago".
- Presentation of my public art work The Mushroom at the conference Folk och Kultur in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Invited by the Cultural Centre Hanaholmen. February 2024.
- Monograph: Maalauksia målningar paintings 2013-2023. Tex in Finnish, Swedish and English, written by Juha-Heikki Tihinen. 70 pages. Published with the support of TAIKE, Konstsamfundet and Eugène, Elisabeth of Birgit Nygréns stiftelse. Please contact me for a copy (20 Euro) or download the digital version for free here.
